File 194 – Duet In The Sky













27 thoughts on “File 194 – Duet In The Sky

    • What you see is a workout for two pilots of aerial acrobatics. The planes are Yakovlev Yak-52 TW. These are special aircraft for training and aerial acrobatics. The first aircraft of this type, they flew in 1975 and were so reliable that are made until today in Romania. The two photographs, in which is the moon in background, are special to me. If I had a lens suitable for those difficult conditions, I would have got some top shots. The stage suggest to me, about two angels who go to bed and saying “goodnight” to the Moon.
      Now I want to tell you about a miracle: Romania – Spain 0-0 in a friendly match. The wonder is even greater because we could win the game. Romania had several opportunities than Spain. I know that it is just a training match, but Spain came up with all stars and how Romanians played, gives me some hope for Euro 2016, which starts in June. It was a big surprise in Europe! Imagine that Romanians central striker, plays in the Seconda Division, to Cordoba and direct opponent was Pique, from F. C. Barcelona!

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      • Amazing aircrafts, and a reason of pride for Romania as they are built there. : )
        I think Spain is not the same after the World Cup. And kudos to the Romanian team! (y) I hope you can do well in Euro 2016.

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      • Peru has a good image in Europe, but I think you know better what the situation is. I know that in the latest edition of the South American championship, Peru had a good performance!

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      • That’s strange, I think is because the other national teams were focused in the World Cup. In Peru every player is good if he is taken to Europe, otherwise they take bad habits here.
        There are good players in Europe (that could explain the good image) tbut they don’t work here as a team.

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    • Ai mare dreptate! Sunt doua fotografii obtinute in conditii foarte dificile. Luminozitatea era scazuta si viteza avioanelor era mare. Daca as fi avut un obiectiv special pentru aceste conditii, cu care sa pot obtine imagini mai clare, as fi realizat niste capturi rarissime. Chiar si asa, eu le consider ca fiind in top 10, printre fotografiile facute de mine. De fiecare data cand privesc aceste imagini imi imaginez doi ingeri care pleaca la culcare, spunand “noapte buna”, Lunii!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Dacă iubesc ceva cu adevărat, acela este în mod sigur zborul, zborul cu avionul. Deasupra norilor. ..
    Imagynasium, mulțumesc. Mulțumesc pentru imagini.In curând vii fi dib nou în zbor.
    Zi faina, cer senin, poate mai “prinzi” in inagini cateva acrobatii aviatice.😊

    Liked by 1 person

      • Să cobor spui ?
        ÃŽn lumea ta,
        De forme și culori ?
        Dar…nu am aripi
        Și atunci,
        Rămân cuprinsă între nori ..
        Imagynasium, mă provoci, sunt cel mai jalnic creator al versului 😂😃
        M-au impresionat fotografiile tale, sunt frumoase !

        Liked by 1 person

      • Multumesc mult pentru apreciere! Este minunat sa constat ca pasiunea mea, poate aduce putina satisfactie si altor oameni!
        Cat despre faptul ca “sunt cel mai jalnic creator al versului”; asta va trebui sa o demonstrezi! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Daaaaa ! Am privit imaginile de ‘È™pe ori ! Sunt…È™i sunt ! 😊
        No, never ! Versul și Maria nu rezonează. Că vezi, joculdecuvinte a priceput asta (acuma te rog să nu te superi că l-am amintit 😃).
        Noapte liniștită !

        Liked by 1 person

    • If I have made those pictures with f/4 (fixed aperture) objective, I would have gone with them to the competitions. Unfortunately I had only a Nikkor 18-300 f/3,5-5,6 and pictures are not very clear. I left with the satisfaction that I was very close to heaven! 😀


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